Op deze pagina vind je per artikel in KIJK 2/2025 links naar extra informatie over het onderwerp.
Als Poetins bom valt | pagina 12
- NAVO: Nuclear deterrence today
- Prometheus: Kernoorlog, Het scenario
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: Why Russia is more likely to go nuclear in Ukraine if it’s winning
Van spijkerschrift naar sterrenhemel | pagina 22
- Science: The Stargazers
- University of Michigan: Babylonian and Greek Astronomy: Introduction
- Astronomie.nl: Geschiedenis van de sterrenkunde
‘Grote bedrijven hebben gewoon geen oren naar plantenmijnbouw’ | pagina 28
- Vroege vogels: Mijnbouw met behulp van plantjes
- Leiden Universiteit: Nieuwe plantensoort wint zelf metaal
- YouTube: Superplants Documentary
- Enironmental Science and Technology: Mechanisms of Uptake and Translocation of Thallium in Brassica Vegetables: An X-ray Fluorescence Microspectroscopic Investigation
- Science of The Total Environment: Treasure from trash: Mining critical metals from waste and unconventional sources
Fout op fout op fout | pagina 34
- AI-gegenereerde podcast van dit artikel
- Epistemic Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Towards Understanding the Interplay of Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Internet
- ArXiv.org: A Shocking Amount of the Web is Machine Translated
- The New York Times: When A.I.’s Output Is a Threat to A.I. Itself
Poesje mauw, wat zeg je nou? | pagina 48
- Journal of Pragmatics: A linguistic-pragmatic analysis of cat-induced deixis in cat-human interactions
- Behavioural Processes: Feline faces: Unraveling the social function of domestic cat facial signals
- Applied Animal Behaviour Science: Human perception of cats’ communicative cues: human‐cat communication goes multimodal
- WIRED: Cats have almost 300 distinct facial expressions, and 45% of them are friendly
In de wolken | pagina 52
- Physical Review X: Axion Clouds around Neutron Stars
- Physical Review Letters: Pulsar Nulling and Vacuum Radio Emission from Axion Clouds
Monument voor de liefde | pagina 54
- History.com: Taj Mahal
- The Constructor: Taj Mahal: Construction of its Invincible Foundation
- Amazon: The Taj Mahal: A Legacy of Love
- YouTube: Secrets of the Taj Mahal
Mysterie van de monstergolf | pagina 60
- PNAS: Machine-guided discovery of a real-world rogue wave model
- Nature: Three-dimensional wave breaking
- Nature: Prediction of freak waves from buoy measurements
- TU Delft: Bijzondere golven worden veel groter dan het bekende maximum
Bioplastic fantastic!? | pagina 68
- Nature Communications: Biocomposite thermoplastic polyurethanes containing evolved bacterial spores as living fillers to facilitate polymer disintegration
- Advanced Functional Materials: Fabricating Strong and Stiff Bioplastics from Whole Spirulina Cells
- Nature Review Materials: Bioplastics for a circular economy
- De Volkskrant: Ons plasticprobleem in vijf grafieken
- NRC: Plastic uit planten, in welke afvalbak gooi je dat nou?